Can I prevent panning Leaflet map out of the world’s edge?

Leaflet allows you to control how much the map resists being dragged out of bounds with the maxBoundsViscosity option (value: 0 to 1). Setting it to maximum disables dragging out of bounds entirely. var map = new L.Map(‘map’, { center: bounds.getCenter(), zoom: 5, layers: [osm], maxBounds: bounds, maxBoundsViscosity: 1.0 }); This feature is available in … Read more

Leaflet map not displayed properly inside tabbed panel

It’s a complete hack from messing with the leaflet.js source code, but it works (at least in jsFiddle) The idea is from Google Maps, to “resize” or “redraw” the map when its container div is resized. The changes I made are: add id link3 to the small tab in HTML <a href=”#lC” data-toggle=”tab” id=”link3″>tab3</a> … Read more

How to load a Google Maps baselayer in Leaflet (after june 2018)?

Loading tiles from Google Maps by just specifying the URL of an undocumented API is against the Google Maps terms of service. Let me quote from them: License Restrictions. 10.1 Administrative Restrictions. No access to APIs or Content except through the Service. You will not access the Maps API(s) or the Content except through the … Read more

Leaflet changing Marker color

So this is one of the top hits in Google for styling Leaflet Icon, but it didn’t have a solution that worked without third parties, and I was having this problem in React as we needed dynamic colours for our routes and icons. The solution I came up with was to use Leaflet.DivIcon html attribute, … Read more

Is there a way to use leaflet.heat in react?

install leaflet.heat via npm : npm i leaflet.heat import the library: import “leaflet.heat”; Create a map component and use an effect to load the map and instantiate L.heatLayer Here is an example from the library’s github page written in React without react-leaflet components: function Map() { useEffect(() => { var map =“map”).setView([-37.87, 175.475], 12); … Read more

Storing Image Data for offline web application (client-side storage database)

Results Offline blob cache for PNG slippy maps Testing 171 PNG files (total of 3.2MB) Platforms tested: Chrome v24, FireFox 18, IE 10 Should also work with Chrome & FF for Android Fetch from web server using XHR2 (supported on almost all browsers) for blob download from web server I went with XHR2-Lib by Phil … Read more

How to display Leaflet markers near the 180° meridian?

Just make sure that the longitudes of your markers are in the range 0..360 instead of in the range -180..180. See a working example. i.e. instead of L.marker([0,170]).addTo(map); L.marker([0,-180]).addTo(map); L.marker([0,-170]).addTo(map); Do something like L.marker([0,170]).addTo(map); L.marker([0,180]).addTo(map); L.marker([0,190]).addTo(map); In other words, if a longitude is smaller than zero, add 360 to it. You might want to use … Read more

Determine if a point reside inside a leaflet polygon

Use the Ray Casting algorithm for checking if a point (marker) lies inside of a polygon: function isMarkerInsidePolygon(marker, poly) { var polyPoints = poly.getLatLngs(); var x = marker.getLatLng().lat, y = marker.getLatLng().lng; var inside = false; for (var i = 0, j = polyPoints.length – 1; i < polyPoints.length; j = i++) { var xi = … Read more