Ruby objects and JSON serialization (without Rails)

For the JSON library to be available, you may have to install libjson-ruby from your package manager. To use the ‘json’ library: require ‘json’ To convert an object to JSON (these 3 ways are equivalent): JSON.dump object #returns a JSON string JSON.generate object #returns a JSON string object.to_json #returns a JSON string To convert JSON … Read more

Jackson enum Serializing and DeSerializer

The serializer / deserializer solution pointed out by @xbakesx is an excellent one if you wish to completely decouple your enum class from its JSON representation. Alternatively, if you prefer a self-contained solution, an implementation based on @JsonCreator and @JsonValue annotations would be more convenient. So leveraging on the example by @Stanley the following is … Read more

Serializing object that contains cyclic object value

Use the second parameter of stringify, the replacer function, to exclude already serialized objects: var seen = []; JSON.stringify(obj, function(key, val) { if (val != null && typeof val == “object”) { if (seen.indexOf(val) >= 0) { return; } seen.push(val); } return val; }); As correctly pointed out in other comments, this code removes … Read more