SwingWorker does not update JProgressBar without Thread.sleep() in custom dialog panel

The setProgress() API notes: “For performance purposes all these invocations are coalesced into one invocation with the last invocation argument only.” Adding Thread.sleep(1) simply defers the coalescence; invoking println() introduces a comparable delay. Take heart that your file system is so fast; I would be reluctant to introduce an artificial delay. As a concrete example … Read more

How to customize a JProgressBar?

There are a number of ways you might achieve this, one of the better ways would be to create a custom ProgressBarUI delegate which paints itself the way you want, for example… public class FancyProgressBar extends BasicProgressBarUI { @Override protected Dimension getPreferredInnerVertical() { return new Dimension(20, 146); } @Override protected Dimension getPreferredInnerHorizontal() { return new … Read more

How to change JProgressBar color?

I think that these values are right for you UIManager.put(“ProgressBar.background”, Color.ORANGE); UIManager.put(“ProgressBar.foreground”, Color.BLUE); UIManager.put(“ProgressBar.selectionBackground”, Color.RED); UIManager.put(“ProgressBar.selectionForeground”, Color.GREEN);

Java: JProgressBar (or equivalent) in a JTabbedPane tab title

For earlier versions, you might try addTab() with a suitable implementation of Icon used to indicate progress. import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.Random; import javax.swing.*; public class JTabbedTest { public static void main(String[] args) { EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { private final JTabbedPane jtp = new JTabbedPane(); public void run() { JFrame f = new JFrame(); f.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); … Read more

Progress Bar Java

Gotta love code from the internet…oh… The code you have violates the singe thread rules of Swing and thus, is a bad example. You have a number of options with SwingWorker. You could publish the progress and use the process method to update the progress bar or you could use a PropertyChangeListener and monitor progress … Read more

JProgressBar isn’t progressing

As @happyburnout has pointed out, you’d be better of processing you download in a separate thread, using a SwingWorker is probably the best solution for what you are doing. The main reason is you’re blocking the Event Dispatching Thread (AKA EDT) from running, preventing any repaint requests (and other UI important things) from been processed. … Read more

JProgressBar won’t update

It’s difficult to tell from the code sample you’ve provide… The main cause of this problem is trying to update the UI while blocking from the Event Dispatching Thread (EDT). It’s important to NEVER do any long running or blocking operations within the EDT as this will prevent repaint requests from been acted upon. For … Read more