How do I set the timeout for a JAX-WS webservice client?

I know this is old and answered elsewhere but hopefully this closes this down. I’m not sure why you would want to download the WSDL dynamically but the system properties: (default: -1 (forever)) (default: -1 (forever)) should apply to all reads and connects using HttpURLConnection which JAX-WS uses. This should solve your problem … Read more

How to programmatically set the SSLContext of a JAX-WS client?

This one was a hard nut to crack, so for the record: To solve this, it required a custom KeyManager and a SSLSocketFactory that uses this custom KeyManager to access the separated KeyStore. I found the base code for this KeyStore and SSLFactory on this excellent blog entry: how-to-dynamically-select-a-certificate-alias-when-invoking-web-services Then, the specialized SSLSocketFactory needs to … Read more