With Java 7 Update 45, the System Properties no Longer Set from JNLP Tag “Property”

We experienced the same Problem with Java 7 Update 45 (1.7.0_45). The JNLP Spec gave a hint for a work-around: Properties set in the jnlp file will normally be set by Java Web Start after the VM is started but before the application is invoked. Some properties are considered “secure” properties and can be passed … Read more

NullPointerException in invokeLater while running through Java Webstart

I found what I believe to be a better solution to this bug. I just added the following code before calling SwingUtilities or any Swing related component method. It create a new AppContext for the RMI Thread (RMI thread must be the current Thread when running the code below). if(AppContext.getAppContext() == null){ SunToolkit.createNewAppContext(); } Due … Read more

JTable Calls Custom Cell Renderer Method… Continuously

aaaaach you need doLayout(), next level :-), then there you can to set Maximum visible rows for JTextComponents too, with little effort doLayout() import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.*; import javax.swing.text.*; //http://tips4java.wordpress.com/2008/10/26/text-utilities/ public class AutoWrapTest { public JComponent makeUI() { String[] columnNames = {” Text Area Cell Renderer “}; Object[][] data = { {“123456789012345678901234567890”}, {“dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddx”}, … Read more

How can I debug applications under Java Web Start (JNLP)?

It’s quite the same like with any other Java process you want to debug remotely: You have to set up some arguments for the VM (-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=n,suspend=y,address=12345 ) and then connect to the given port. In Java webstart 6.0 this can be done with the -J option, in earlier version via environment variable JAVAWS_VM_ARGS. … Read more

Java Web Start support in Java 9 and beyond

According to http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/9-deprecated-features-3745636.html Java Deployment Technologies are deprecated and will be removed in a future release Java Applet and WebStart functionality, including the Applet API, The Java plug-in, the Java Applet Viewer, JNLP and Java Web Start including the javaws tool are all deprecated in JDK 9 and will be removed in a future release. … Read more

What is the difference between ‘java’, ‘javaw’, and ‘javaws’?

See Java tools documentation for: java command1/javaw command2 The java tool launches a Java application. It does this by starting a Java runtime environment, loading a specified class, and invoking that class’s main method. The javaw command is identical to java, except that with javaw there is no associated console window. Use javaw when you … Read more
