Unable to derive module descriptor: Provider {class X} not in module

Xalan I had a look at their bug tracker following their index page and wasn’t able to find this reported and not sure how actively is the library being maintained either. General Explanation Just to explain what has caused the issue in your code, I would share a screenshot and then try to add details … Read more

What is an illegal reflective access?

Apart from an understanding of the accesses amongst modules and their respective packages. I believe the crux of it lies in the Module System#Relaxed-strong-encapsulation and I would just cherry-pick the relevant parts of it to try and answer the question. What defines an illegal reflective access and what circumstances trigger the warning? To aid in … Read more

How to solve InaccessibleObjectException (“Unable to make {member} accessible: module {A} does not ‘opens {package}’ to {B}”) on Java 9?

The exception is caused by the Java Platform Module System that was introduced in Java 9, particularly its implementation of strong encapsulation. It only allows access under certain conditions, the most prominent ones are: the type has to be public the owning package has to be exported The same limitations are true for reflection, which … Read more

Replacements for deprecated JPMS modules with Java EE APIs

Instead of using the deprecated Java EE modules, use the following artifacts. JAF (java.activation) JavaBeans Activation Framework (now Jakarta Activation) is a standalone technology (available on Maven Central): <dependency> <groupId>com.sun.activation</groupId> <artifactId>jakarta.activation</artifactId> <version>1.2.2</version> </dependency> (Source) CORBA (java.corba) From JEP 320: There will not be a standalone version of CORBA unless third parties take over maintenance of … Read more