Can I access python variables within a `%%bash` or `%%script` ipython notebook cell?

Python variables can be accessed in the first line of a %%bash or %%script cell, and so can be passed as command line parameters to the script. For example, with bash you can do this: %%bash -s “$myPythonVar” “$myOtherVar” echo “This bash script knows about $1 and $2” The -s command line option allows you … Read more

How to pass a variable to magic ´run´ function in IPython

IPython expands variables with $name, bash-style. This is true for all magics, not just %run. So you would do: In [1]: filename = “” In [2]: %run $filename [‘’] contains: import sys print(sys.argv) Via Python’s fancy string formatting, you can even put expressions inside {}: In [3]: args = [“arg1”, “arg2”] In [4]: %run … Read more