Add “Edit in Excel” or “Edit photo” extension

The only way to communicate with other iOS apps “locally” is using what is called URLSchemes. This is the documentation to use URLScheme with the MSOffice apps. Answering the specific question: How to check if file (image, xls, doc or any other) can be opened to edit? You can use the UIApplication method called … Read more

Swift apply .uppercaseString to only the first letter of a string

Including mutating and non mutating versions that are consistent with API guidelines. Swift 3: extension String { func capitalizingFirstLetter() -> String { let first = String(characters.prefix(1)).capitalized let other = String(characters.dropFirst()) return first + other } mutating func capitalizeFirstLetter() { self = self.capitalizingFirstLetter() } } Swift 4: extension String { func capitalizingFirstLetter() -> String { return … Read more
