Interactive shell using PHP

Yes, it’s possible. In order to be interactive, the program must be able to wait for and read in user input from stdin. In PHP, you can read from stdin by opening a file descriptor to ‘php://stdin’. Taken from an answer to different question, here’s an example of an interactive user prompt in PHP (when … Read more

struggling in calling multiple interactive functions for a graph using ipywidgets

There are several ways to approach controlling a matplotlib plot using ipywidgets. Below I’ve created the output I think you’re looking for using each of the options. The methods are listed in what feels like the natural order of discovery, however, I would recommend trying them in this order: 4, 2, 1, 3 Approach 1 … Read more

Get output from a Paramiko SSH exec_command continuously

A minimal and complete working example of how to use this answer (tested in Python 3.6.1) # from paramiko import SSHClient ssh = SSHClient() ssh.load_system_host_keys() ssh.connect(‘…’) print(‘started…’) stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(‘python -m example’, get_pty=True) for line in iter(stdout.readline, “”): print(line, end=””) print(‘finished.’) and #, at the server import time for x in … Read more

Interactive matplotlib plot with two sliders

In addition to what @triplepoint mentioned, have a look at the slider widget. There’s an example on the matplotlib examples page. It’s a graphical slider bar rather than keyboard bindings, but it works quite well for what you want to do. Also note that to guarantee the sliders and buttons remain responsive and not garbage-collected, … Read more

Implement an interactive shell over ssh in Python using Paramiko?

import paramiko import re class ShellHandler: def __init__(self, host, user, psw): self.ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() self.ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) self.ssh.connect(host, username=user, password=psw, port=22) channel = self.ssh.invoke_shell() self.stdin = channel.makefile(‘wb’) self.stdout = channel.makefile(‘r’) def __del__(self): self.ssh.close() def execute(self, cmd): “”” :param cmd: the command to be executed on the remote computer :examples: execute(‘ls’) execute(‘finger’) execute(‘cd folder_name’) “”” cmd = cmd.strip(‘\n’) … Read more
