“inline” keyword vs “inlining” concept

I wasn’t sure about your claim: Smaller functions are automatically “inlined” by optimizer irrespective of inline is mentioned or not… It’s quite clear that the user doesn’t have any control over function “inlining” with the use of keyword inline. I’ve heard that compilers are free to ignore your inline request, but I didn’t think they … Read more

What’s the difference between static inline, extern inline and a normal inline function?

A function definition with static inline defines an inline function with internal linkage. Such function works “as expected” from the “usual” properties of these qualifiers: static gives it internal linkage and inline makes it inline. So, this function is “local” to a translation unit and inline in it. A function definition with just inline defines … Read more

What does extern inline do?

in K&R C or C89, inline was not part of the language. Many compilers implemented it as an extension, but there were no defined semantics regarding how it worked. GCC was among the first to implement inlining, and introduced the inline, static inline, and extern inline constructs; most pre-C99 compiler generally follow its lead. GNU89: … Read more

Benefits of inline functions in C++?

Advantages By inlining your code where it is needed, your program will spend less time in the function call and return parts. It is supposed to make your code go faster, even as it goes larger (see below). Inlining trivial accessors could be an example of effective inlining. By marking it as inline, you can … Read more