Why is this F# code so slow?

The problem is that the min3 function is compiled as a generic function that uses generic comparison (I thought this uses just IComparable, but it is actually more complicated – it would use structural comparison for F# types and it’s fairly complex logic). > let min3(a, b, c) = min a (min b c);; val … Read more

How will i know whether inline function is actually replaced at the place where it is called or not?

Programatically at run-time, You cannot. And the truth of the matter is: You don’t need to know An compiler can choose to inline functions that are not marked inline or ignore functions marked explicitly inline, it is completely the wish(read wisdom) of the compiler & You should trust the compiler do its job judiciously. Most … Read more

Use of `inline` in F#

The inline keyword indicates that a function definition should be inserted inline into any code which uses it. Most of the time, this will not have any effect on the type of the function. However, in rare cases, it can lead to a function which has a more general type, since there are constraints which … Read more

c++ inline function?

The former (using inline) allows you to put that function in a header file, where it can be included in multiple source files. Using inline makes the identifier in file scope, much like declaring it static. Without using inline, you would get a multiple symbol definition error from the linker. Of course, this is in … Read more
