How is numpy’s fancy indexing implemented?

You have three questions: 1. Which __xx__ method has numpy overridden/defined to handle fancy indexing? The indexing operator [] is overridable using __getitem__, __setitem__, and __delitem__. It can be fun to write a simple subclass that offers some introspection: >>> class VerboseList(list): … def __getitem__(self, key): … print(key) … return super().__getitem__(key) … Let’s make an … Read more

How does the order of compound indexes matter in MongoDB performance-wise?

Redsandro, You must consider Index Cardinality and Selectivity. 1. Index Cardinality The index cardinality refers to how many possible values there are for a field. The field sex only has two possible values. It has a very low cardinality. Other fields such as names, usernames, phone numbers, emails, etc. will have a more unique value … Read more

How can I employ “if exists” for creating or dropping an index in MySQL?

Here is my 4 liner: set @exist := (select count(*) from information_schema.statistics where table_name=”table” and index_name=”index” and table_schema = database()); set @sqlstmt := if( @exist > 0, ‘select ”INFO: Index already exists.”’, ‘create index i_index on tablename ( columnname )’); PREPARE stmt FROM @sqlstmt; EXECUTE stmt;
