Restore already bought in-app-purchases on iPhone?

If the $0.99 item is non-consumable, then you should provide a “Restore Purchases” button (or similar) which calls [[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] restoreCompletedTransactions]; Assuming you’ve added a transaction observer already, and implemented the protocol including a case to handle a restored transaction (with state SKPaymentTransactionStateRestored) this will work.

Server-side verification of Google Play In-app billing version 3 purchase

where do I get the signature from ? Have a look at official docs, It says that inside your onActivityResult() method you can get following data as shown in example, @Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { if (requestCode == 1001) { int responseCode = data.getIntExtra(“RESPONSE_CODE”, 0); String purchaseData = data.getStringExtra(“INAPP_PURCHASE_DATA”); String … Read more

Clearing purchases from iOS in-app purchase sandbox for a test user

IMO there are 3 things you can do to make testing non-consumables bearable: You can have many test accounts associated to one email. Gmail for example lets you add a “plus” string to the email to create aliases for an address: so and both really just go to Probably other email hosts … Read more

iPhone In-App Purchase Store Kit error -1003 “Cannot connect to iTunes Store”

I had a similar situation and dumped the iPhone’s network traffic to see what’s going on. I found that the normal store was contacted instead of the sandbox. It helped to delete the app from the device, make clean and build/install it again. Apparently something with the development profile had gone wrong. Update: To dump … Read more

How does Apple notify iOS apps of refunds of in-app purchases (IAP)?

Update June 24, 2020: At WWDC 2020, a new notification was introduced that informs you of refunds: Original answer: I received a response from Apple Developer Relations today (Dec 6, 2018): Hello Johannes, In response to your question, unfortunately, there is no supported means to detect that the user has contacted Apple Care and … Read more