Downloading attachments to directory with IMAP in PHP, randomly works

This is perfect working answer, try this. This Sample run properly and download all the attachments with no issues. <?php set_time_limit(3000); /* connect to gmail with your credentials */ $hostname=”{}INBOX”; $username=”YOUR_USERNAME”; $password = ‘YOUR_PASSWORD’; /* try to connect */ $inbox = imap_open($hostname,$username,$password) or die(‘Cannot connect to Gmail: ‘ . imap_last_error()); $emails = imap_search($inbox, ‘FROM “”‘); … Read more

Reading emails from Gmail in C#

Using the library from: Here is my complete code sample: Email Repository using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using ActiveUp.Net.Mail; namespace GmailReadImapEmail { public class MailRepository { private Imap4Client client; public MailRepository(string mailServer, int port, bool ssl, string login, string password) { if (ssl) Client.ConnectSsl(mailServer, port); else Client.Connect(mailServer, port); Client.Login(login, password); } public IEnumerable<Message> GetAllMails(string mailBox) … Read more

What are the “parts” in a multipart email?

An email message consists of a single MIME part, or a multipart structure with multiple MIME parts. If there is no multipart structure, the message is compatible with pre-MIME RFC822 messages, and the Content-type: etc headers are optional (if you don’t spell out a content type and encoding, Content-type: text/plain; charset=”us-ascii” and Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit are … Read more

Getting mail from GMail into Java application using IMAP

Using imaps was a great suggestion. Neither of the answers provided just worked for me, so I googled some more and found something that worked. Here’s how my code looks now. Properties props = System.getProperties(); props.setProperty(“”, “imaps”); try { Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); Store store = session.getStore(“imaps”); store.connect(“”, “<username>”, “<password>”); … } catch (NoSuchProviderException … Read more

Accessing Imap in C# [closed]

I’ve been searching for an IMAP solution for a while now, and after trying quite a few, I’m going with AE.Net.Mail. You can download the code by going to the Code tab and click the small ‘Download’ icon. As the author does not provide any pre-built downloads, you must compile it yourself. (I believe you … Read more