Large numbers erroneously rounded in JavaScript

You’re overflowing the capacity of JavaScript’s number type, see ยง8.5 of the spec for details. Those IDs will need to be strings. IEEE-754 double-precision floating point (the kind of number JavaScript uses) can’t precisely represent all numbers (of course). Famously, 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3 is false. That can affect whole numbers just like it … Read more

What is the rationale for all comparisons returning false for IEEE754 NaN values?

I was a member of the IEEE-754 committee, I’ll try to help clarify things a bit. First off, floating-point numbers are not real numbers, and floating-point arithmetic does not satisfy the axioms of real arithmetic. Trichotomy is not the only property of real arithmetic that does not hold for floats, nor even the most important. … Read more
