How to store the data in unicode in hindi language

Choose utf8 character set and utf8_general_ci collation. Obviously, Collation of the field (to which you want to store Hindi text) should be utf8_general_ci. To alter your table field, run ALTER TABLE `<table_name>` CHANGE `<field_name>` `<field_name>` VARCHAR(100) CHARSET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT ” NOT NULL; Once you’ve connected to database, run the following statement at first … Read more

Unable to copy exact hindi content from pdf

This issue is similar to the one discussed in this answer, and the appearance of the sample document there does also remind of the document here: In a nutshell Your document itself provides the information that e.g. the glyphs “निर्वाचक” in the head line represent the text “ननरररचक”. You should ask the source of your … Read more