Frequent worker timeout

We had the same problem using Django+nginx+gunicorn. From Gunicorn documentation we have configured the graceful-timeout that made almost no difference. After some testings, we found the solution, the parameter to configure is: timeout (And not graceful timeout). It works like a clock.. So, Do: 1) open the gunicorn configuration file 2) set the TIMEOUT to … Read more

Debugging a Flask app running in Gunicorn

The accepted solution doesn’t work for me. Gunicorn is a pre-forking environment and apparently the Flask debugger doesn’t work in a forking environment. Attention Even though the interactive debugger does not work in forking environments (which makes it nearly impossible to use on production servers) […] Even if you set app.debug = True, you will … Read more

Gunicorn worker timeout error

We had the same problem using Django+nginx+gunicorn. From Gunicorn documentation we have configured the graceful-timeout that made almost no difference. After some testings, we found the solution, the parameter to configure is: timeout (And not graceful timeout). It works like a clock.. So, Do: 1) open the gunicorn configuration file 2) set the TIMEOUT to … Read more

(13: Permission denied) while connecting to upstream:[nginx]

Disclaimer Make sure there are no security implications for your use-case before running this. Answer I had a similar issue getting Fedora 20, Nginx, Node.js, and Ghost (blog) to work. It turns out my issue was due to SELinux. This should solve the problem: setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1 Details I checked for errors in the … Read more