Gradle’s dependency cache may be corrupt (this sometimes occurs after a network connection timeout.)

I updated my Android Studio to 2.3 and it asked me to update my gradle plugin to 3.3 that created issues with my running projects. I’ve gone through all the Stack solutions and nothing worked for me except this workaround: I changed my distribution url in with this one. distributionUrl=https\:// (permanent link list here … Read more

Android Material and appcompat Manifest merger failed

I had similar problem. Added two lines in file: android.useAndroidX=true android.enableJetifier=true These two lines automatically resolved my dependency conflicts between google’s files and third party dependencies. Here’s the link to follow:

What’s the difference between implementation, api and compile in Gradle?

tl;dr Just replace: compile with implementation (if you don’t need transitivity) or api (if you need transitivity) testCompile with testImplementation debugCompile with debugImplementation androidTestCompile with androidTestImplementation compileOnly is still valid. It was added in 3.0 to replace provided and not compile. (provided introduced when Gradle didn’t have a configuration name for that use-case and named … Read more