Google Play app description formatting

Experimentally, I’ve discovered that you can provide: Single line breaks are ignored; double line breaks open a new paragraph. Single line breaks can be enforced by ending a line with two spaces (similar to Markdown). A limited set of HTML tags (optionally nested), specifically: <b>…</b> for boldface, <i>…</i> for italics, <u>…</u> for underline, <br /> … Read more

Android Manifest Restrict To Tablets

You will find this link awesome: The problem with what we call “tablet” is that the definition is not the same for evryone. I think about the Archos 5IT that is the same size than a phone but branded with “tablet” name. Same issue with Dell Streak. I would personnaly not call that a … Read more

Android – Is it possible to get install referrer programmatically

You can use The Google Play Intent is broadcast when an app is installed from the Google Play Store. Add this receiver to AndroidManifest.xml <receiver android:name=”” android:exported=”true” android:permission=”android.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES”> <intent-filter> <action android:name=”” /> </intent-filter> </receiver> Create a BroadcastReceiver: public class InstallReferrerReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { String referrer … Read more

How to get app market version information from google play store?

I recomned dont use a library just create a new class 1. public class VersionChecker extends AsyncTask<String, String, String>{ String newVersion; @Override protected String doInBackground(String… params) { try { newVersion = Jsoup.connect(“” + “package name” + “&hl=en”) .timeout(30000) .userAgent(“Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; WindowsNT 5.1; en-US; rv1.8.1.6) Gecko/20070725 Firefox/”) .referrer(“”) .get() .select(“div.hAyfc:nth-child(4) > span:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(1) > … Read more

Disable LogCat Output COMPLETELY in release Android app?

You can use ProGuard to remove completely any lines where a return value is not used, by telling ProGuard to assume that there will be no problems. The following proguard.cfg chunk instructs to remove Log.d, Log.v and Log.i calls. -assumenosideeffects class android.util.Log { public static *** d(…); public static *** w(…); public static *** v(…); … Read more

You uploaded an APK or Android App Bundle which has an activity, activity alias, service or broadcast receiver with intent filter, but without the ‘an

According to google new policy If your app targets Android 12 or higher and contains activities, services, or broadcast receivers that use intent filters, you must explicitly declare the android:exported: true attribute for these app components. So In the main manifest file check all the activities, services, and receivers that can use intent-filter which are … Read more

Designing an android tablet-only app [duplicate]

To get your app filtered for just Tablets running ICS in Google-Play you would do this in your AndroidManifest: <supports-screens android:largeScreens=”true” android:normalScreens=”false” android:requiresSmallestWidthDp=”600″ android:smallScreens=”false” android:xlargeScreens=”true” /> <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=”14″ android:targetSdkVersion=”14″ /> To get HoneyComb Tablets aswell you simply change your minSdk <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=”11″ android:targetSdkVersion=”14″ /> Therefore your now saying Gingerbread (2.3) and below can’t download your … Read more

Playstore error: App Bundle contains native code, and you’ve not uploaded debug symbols

If talking about Flutter, looks like the Flutter team needs to change some source files for the NDK, because it does not see where from to generate debug symbols. Here is an issue thread: Setup steps are so: Pre-condition: Intall Android studio 4.1+ and Gradle 4.1+ Install NDK (Side by Side) in SDK manager … Read more

Is it possible to change the package name of an Android app on Google Play?

From Dianne Hackborn: Things That Cannot Change: The most obvious and visible of these is the “manifest package name,” the unique name you give to your application in its AndroidManifest.xml. The name uses a Java-language-style naming convention, with Internet domain ownership helping to avoid name collisions. For example, since Google owns the domain “”, the … Read more