Is there an Android based Google Glass Emulator?

There’s no official Glass Emulator yet. I overcame this via installing Glass APKs into Nexus 7 tablet. It worked perfectly: I can control it in Mirror API works flawlessly. GDK Sneak Peak doesn’t work. I described all the required steps here:

Glass voice command nearest match from given list

The Google GDK doesn’t support this feature yet. However, the necessary features are already available in some libraries and you can use them as long as the GDK doesn’t support this natively. What you have to do: Pull the GlassVoice.apk from your Glass: adb pull /system/app/GlassVoice.apk Use dex2jar to convert this apk into a jar … Read more

Google Glass GDK: How to Communicate with Android Device

Ok, for the requesters…. EDIT: The code below still works, but I’ve put it into a git repo for those who are interested… Here is my Bluetooth Host/Client code. It’s not perfect – You’re going to need some patience, and there are some bugs on reconnection and such, but it does work. I’ve been … Read more

Why is my voice command missing from the ok glass menu in XE16?

Answering my own question, since this seems to be impacting a lot of developers. Voice commands changed a bit in XE16. Unlisted voice commands, like the one specified in your configuration, now require an additional permission. Add this to your manifest: <uses-permission android:name=”” /> When you’re ready to release your Glassware, you must use a … Read more