How to import svn branches and tags into git-svn?

You’ll need several steps. supply proper trunk, branches and tags folder names and fetch svn repo: git svn init -t tags -b branches -T trunk git svn fetch Since tags in svn are real branches, create git tags from tag branches: git for-each-ref –format=”%(refname:short) %(objectname)” refs/remotes/tags | cut -d / -f 3- | while … Read more

git refname ‘origin/master’ is ambiguous

The output of git branch -a shows that you have a remote-tracking branch called origin/master. Perfectly normal. However, the output of git show-ref master contains 6726b4985107e2ddc7539f95e1a6aba536d35bc6 refs/origin/master which indicates that you most likely ran something like the following low-level command: git update-ref refs/origin/master master This command creates a branch (pointing at the same commit as … Read more

How to send pull request on Git

Both Git (the software) and GitHub (the web service) have a concept called “pull request”, and unfortunately they are not exactly the same thing. Native Git The native Git request-pull command has a very short manual page with the following one-sentence description: Summarizes the changes between two commits to the standard output, and includes the … Read more