Switch cameras with avcapturesession

You first need to remove the existing AVCameraInput from the AVCaptureSession and then add a new AVCameraInput to the AVCaptureSession. The following works for me (under ARC): -(IBAction)switchCameraTapped:(id)sender { //Change camera source if(_captureSession) { //Indicate that some changes will be made to the session [_captureSession beginConfiguration]; //Remove existing input AVCaptureInput* currentCameraInput = [_captureSession.inputs objectAtIndex:0]; [_captureSession … Read more

How to make video captured by front camera not being inverse Android?

So, if the system camera app produces video similar to your app, you didn’t do something wrong. Now it’s time to understand what happens to front-facing camera video recording. The front facing camera is not different from the rear facing camera in the way it captures still pictures or video. There is a difference how … Read more