Is there a decent OpenGL text drawing library for the iPhone SDK?

One way to do this is by setting up a UILabel and then rendering its layer into a texture. An indirect route to this would be to first set up the UILabel with text, font, etc. and then use the following code UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(yourLabel.frame.size); [yourLabel.layer renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()]; UIImage *layerImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphicsEndImageContext(); to capture the UILabel to … Read more

After conda update, python kernel crashes when matplotlib is used

Update 2021-11-06 The default pkgs/main channel for conda has reverted to using freetype 2.10.4 for Windows, per main / packages / freetype. If you are still experiencing the issue, use conda list freetype to check the version: freetype != 2.11.0 If it is 2.11.0, then change the version per the solution, or conda update –all … Read more
