VBA to open Excel hyperlink does not work when hyperlink generated with a formula

I’m wondering if anyone has had a similar problem, and why the formula generated hyperlinks are not working for me. Alas, this seems to be painful truth: Excel does not add to Hyperlinks collection formula-generated links – below is the screen from the debugger which is pointed to =HYPERLINK(“http://www.google.com/”;”Google”): I’m not sure whether this is … Read more

Optimizing Excel formulas – SUMPRODUCT vs SUMIFS/COUNTIFS

Instead of formulas, Why not use a PivotTable to crunch the numbers? You potentially face a longer one-time hit to load the data into the PivotCache, but after that, you should find a PivotTable recalculates much faster in response to filter changes than these computationally expensive formulas. Is there any reason you’re not using one? … Read more

Concatenate column headers if value in rows below is non-blank

UseĀ¹ the following as an array formula. =TEXTJOIN(“–>”, TRUE, IF(LEN(C3:I3), C$2:I$2, “”)) Pre-Excel 2016 versions While you could just string together a series of IF statements, a cleaner alternate might be to write a user defined function (aka UDF). In a standard VBA module code sheet: Function udf_Stitch_Together(r As Range, _ h As Range, _ … Read more

Get formula from Excel cell with python xlrd

[Dis]claimer: I’m the author/maintainer of xlrd. The documentation references to formula text are about “name” formulas; read the section “Named references, constants, formulas, and macros” near the start of the docs. These formulas are associated sheet-wide or book-wide to a name; they are not associated with individual cells. Examples: PI maps to =22/7, SALES maps … Read more