How to use CSS selectors to retrieve specific links lying in some class using BeautifulSoup?

The page is not the most friendly in the use of classes and markup, but even so your CSS selector is too specific to be useful here. If you want Upcoming Events, you want just the first <div class=”events-horizontal”>, then just grab the <div class=”title”><a href=”…”></div> tags, so the links on titles: upcoming_events_div = soup.select_one(‘’) … Read more

Why got Firebug removed after updating Firefox to version 50?

Firebug does not work anymore once multi-process Firefox (separate processes for the Firefox UI and the websites) is enabled. See the related post in the Firebug blog. You may be able to reenable Firebug by setting the preferences browser.tabs.remote.autostart, browser.tabs.remote.autostart.1 and browser.tabs.remote.autostart.2 to false via about:config. Though at some point this preference will be removed. … Read more

Why can’t I save CSS changes in Firebug? [closed]

Been wondering the same for quite some time now, just gut-wrenching when your in-the-moment-freestyle-css’ing with firebug gets blown to bits by an accidental reload or whatnot…. For my intents and purposes, I’ve finally found the tool…. : FireDiff. It gives you a new tab, probably some weird David Bowie reference, called “changes”; which not only … Read more