How can I make a fieldset legend-style “background line” on heading text?

See: If the text needs to wrap, this won’t work. In IE7, there will be no line. HTML: <h2><span>Centered Header Text</span></h2> CSS: h2 { text-align: center; display: table; width: 100%; } h2 > span, h2:before, h2:after { display: table-cell; } h2:before, h2:after { background: url(×1/f0f/fff&text=+) repeat-x center; width: 50%; content: ‘ ‘; } h2 … Read more

resizes wrong; appears to have unremovable `min-width: min-content`

Update (25 Sept 2017) The Firefox bug described below is fixed as of Firefox 53 and the link to this answer has finally been removed from Bootstrap’s documentation. Also, my sincere apologies to the Mozilla contributors who had to block removing support for -moz-document partly due to this answer. The fix In WebKit and Firefox … Read more