Facebook share link without JavaScript

You could use <a href=”https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=#url” target=”_blank”> Share </a> Currently there is no sharing option without passing current url as a parameter. You can use an indirect way to achieve this. Create a server side page for example: “/sharer.aspx” Link this page whenever you want the share functionality. In the “sharer.aspx” get the refering url, and … Read more

Is there an API to force Facebook to scrape a page again?

Page metadata isn’t the sort of thing that should change very often, but you can manually clear the cache by going to Facebook’s Debug Tool and entering the URL you want to scrape There’s also an API for doing this, which works for any OG object: curl -X POST \ -F “id={object-url OR object-id}” \ … Read more

How to add to my android application a button than do like to a facebook page?

Use this library: Facebook Like button for Android. There is detailed manual here. Sources: https://github.com/shamanland/facebook-like-button Gradle dependency: repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { compile ‘com.shamanland:facebook-like-button:0.1.8’ } The simplest way to add like button: <com.shamanland.facebook.likebutton.FacebookLikeButton style=”@style/Widget.FacebookLikeButton” app:pageUrl=”http://blog.shamanland.com/” app:pageTitle=”Developer’s notes” app:pageText=”This is blog about Android development.” app:pagePicture=”@drawable/ic_launcher” /> This view will be drawn in your layout: In … Read more

What’s the Facebook’s Graph API call limit?

The best answer to this question from another forum, from Ash Rust in 2010: “After some testing and discussion with the Facebook platform team, there is no official limit I’m aware of or can find in the documentation. However, I’ve found 600 calls per 600 seconds, per token & per IP to be about where … Read more