Does Json.NET cache types’ serialization information?

Yes, it does. Json.NET caches type serialization information inside its IContractResolver classes DefaultContractResolver and CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver. Unless you specify a custom contract resolver, this information is cached and reused. For DefaultContractResolver a global static instance is maintained internally that Json.NET uses whenever the application does not specify its own contract resolver. CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver, on the other hand, … Read more

Why would you use Expression rather than Func?

When you want to treat lambda expressions as expression trees and look inside them instead of executing them. For example, LINQ to SQL gets the expression and converts it to the equivalent SQL statement and submits it to server (rather than executing the lambda). Conceptually, Expression<Func<T>> is completely different from Func<T>. Func<T> denotes a delegate … Read more

Retrieving Property name from lambda expression

I found another way you can do it was to have the source and property strongly typed and explicitly infer the input for the lambda. Not sure if that is correct terminology but here is the result. public static RouteValueDictionary GetInfo<T,P>(this HtmlHelper html, Expression<Func<T, P>> action) where T : class { var expression = (MemberExpression)action.Body; … Read more
