iTextSharp international text

The key for proper display of alternate characters sets (Russian, Chinese, Japanese, etc.) is to use IDENTITY_H encoding when creating the BaseFont. Dim bfR As iTextSharp.text.pdf.BaseFont bfR = iTextSharp.text.pdf.BaseFont.CreateFont(“MyFavoriteFont.ttf”, iTextSharp.text.pdf.BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, iTextSharp.text.pdf.BaseFont.EMBEDDED) IDENTITY_H provides unicode support for your chosen font, so you should be able to display pretty much any character. I’ve used it for Russian, … Read more

How can I display “$£Ω€απ⅔” in Jasperserver PDF using iReport?

I tried your characters using font-extensions in iReport, These are the steps that I took Download (or use one on your pc) your desired ttf font (it need to support the characters), I used dejavu-serif. Install the font in iReport or in Jasper soft studio (click links to understand how) I used iReport 5.6 and … Read more
