What are good examples of genetic algorithms/genetic programming solutions? [closed]

Not homework. My first job as a professional programmer (1995) was writing a genetic-algorithm based automated trading system for S&P500 futures. The application was written in Visual Basic 3 [!] and I have no idea how I did anything back then, since VB3 didn’t even have classes. The application started with a population of randomly-generated … Read more

Roulette Selection in Genetic Algorithms

It’s been a few years since i’ve done this myself, however the following pseudo code was found easily enough on google. for all members of population sum += fitness of this individual end for for all members of population probability = sum of probabilities + (fitness / sum) sum of probabilities += probability end for … Read more

Roulette wheel selection algorithm [duplicate]

The other answers seem to be assuming that you are trying to implement a roulette game. I think that you are asking about roulette wheel selection in evolutionary algorithms. Here is some Java code that implements roulette wheel selection. Assume you have 10 items to choose from and you choose by generating a random number … Read more