App installation failed due to application-identifier entitlement

I had this problem with an iPhone app, and fixed it using the following steps. With your device connected, and Xcode open, select Window->Devices In the left tab of the window that pops up, select your problem device In the detail panel on the right, remove the offending app from the “Installed Apps” list. After … Read more

How do I change my iOS applications’ entitlements?

For a jailbreak app/entitlement, you need to do something like this. First, create a file named entitlements.xml (or whatever you like): <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC “-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN” “”> <plist version=”1.0″> <dict> <key></key> <true/> </dict> </plist> You can add more entitlements if you need. This example file just grants the app the entitlement. It doesn’t … Read more

Provisioning profile doesn’t include the application-identifier and keychain-access-groups entitlements

This issue is related to Bug 1534145. P-384 curve / ecdsa-with-SHA256 certificates. A representative from Apple estimated 558,000 certificates to become invalidated: Bug 1533655. DigiCert: Apple: Non-compliant Serial Numbers GoDaddy, Google, Apple and Facebook (that would explain why Facebook was glitchy today) are affected. They are working on resolving the issue right now. That … Read more