How to use third party npm packages with ember cli app

The easiest and recommended answer is to use ember-browserify. (as support for bower packages will be removed in the future.) This is an example for using the npm package dexie within an Ember CLI app. Install browserify: npm install ember-browserify –save-dev Install dexie (or whatever module you need): npm install dexie –save-dev Import the module … Read more

Handling errors with the (now default) Ember Data JSON-API adapter

Note the answer below is based on the following versions: DEBUG: ——————————- ember.debug.js:5442DEBUG: Ember : 1.13.8 ember.debug.js:5442DEBUG: Ember Data : 1.13.9 ember.debug.js:5442DEBUG: jQuery : 1.11.3 DEBUG: ——————————- The error handling documentation is unfortunately scattered around at the moment as the way you handle errors for the different adapters (Active, REST, JSON) are all a bit … Read more

Recommended way to include bootstrap library in Ember.JS ember-cli App

BASH: bower install –save bootstrap Brocfile.js: app.import(‘vendor/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.js’); app.import(‘vendor/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css’); The JS will be added to the app.js, which is linked by default, and the CSS will be added to assets/vendor.css, which as of May 14th, is also added by default. For reference: In response to @Joe’s question surrounding fonts and other assets, I was unable … Read more
