iText 5 HTML+CSS to PDF/A-2 : Helvetica font not embedded error

We are using our very own PrintFontProvider. This should get you going: private static final CSSResolver cssResolver = XMLWorkerHelper.getInstance().getDefaultCssResolver(true); private static final HtmlPipelineContext htmlContext = new HtmlPipelineContext(null); static { htmlContext.setTagFactory(Tags.getHtmlTagProcessorFactory()); htmlContext.autoBookmark(false); // Our own PrintFontProvider provides Fonts as needed… htmlContext.setCssAppliers(new CssAppliersImpl(new PrintFontProvider())); // We apply some default styles to the pdf generation… try { String … Read more

Mime type for WOFF fonts?

Update from Keith Shaw’s comment on Jun 22, 2017: As of February 2017, RFC8081 is the proposed standard. It defines a top-level media type for fonts, therefore the standard media type for WOFF and WOFF2 are as follows: font/woff font/woff2 In January 2011 it was announced that in the meantime Chromium will recognize application/x-font-woff as … Read more