How can I change the location of docker images when using Docker Desktop on WSL2 with Windows 10 Home?

The WSL 2 docker-desktop-data vm disk image would normally reside in: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Docker\wsl\data\ext4.vhdx Follow the following to relocate it to other drive/directory, with all existing docker data preserved (tested against Docker Desktop (46911), and continued to work after updating the 3.1.0 (51484)): First, shut down your docker desktop by right click on the Docker Desktop … Read more

Docker cannot start on Windows

The error is related to that part: In the default daemon configuration on Windows, the docker client must be run elevated to connect First, verify that Docker Desktop application is running. If not, launch it: that will run the docker daemon (just wait few minutes). Then, if the error still persist, you can try to … Read more

Can Windows containers be hosted on Linux?

TL;DR: Q: Can Windows containers run on Linux? A: No. They cannot. Containers are using the underlying operating system resources and drivers, so Windows containers can run on Windows only, and Linux containers can run on Linux only. Q: But what about Docker for Windows? Or other VM-based solutions? A: Docker for Windows allows you … Read more