How to deploy an HTTPS-only site, with Django/nginx?

For the 2nd part of John C’s answer, and Django 1.4+… Instead of extending HttpResponseRedirect, you can change the request.scheme to https. Because Django is behind Nginx’s reverse proxy, it doesn’t know the original request was secure. In your Django settings, set the SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER setting: SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER = (‘HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO’, ‘https’) Then, you need Nginx to set … Read more

Check permission inside a template in Django

If you are looking to check for permissions in templates, the following code would suffice: {% if perms.app_label.can_do_something %} <form here> {% endif %} Where model refers to the model that the user need permissions to see the form for. Refer to for more examples. The currently logged-in user’s permissions are stored in the … Read more

In Django, how do I check if a user is in a certain group?

Your User object is linked to the Group object through a ManyToMany relationship. You can thereby apply the filter method to user.groups. So, to check if a given User is in a certain group (“Member” for the example), just do this : def is_member(user): return user.groups.filter(name=”Member”).exists() If you want to check if a given user … Read more

Using Django auth UserAdmin for a custom user model

After digging around the Django source code for a while, I found a working soultion. I am not totally happy with this solution, but it seems to work. Feel free to suggest better solutions! Django uses UserAdmin to render the nice admin look for User model. By just using this in our, we can … Read more

How can I detect multiple logins into a Django web application from different locations?

Not sure if this is still needed but thought I would share my solution: 1) Install django-tracking (thankyou for that tip Van Gale Google Maps + GeoIP is amazing!) 2) Add this middleware: from django.contrib.sessions.models import Session from tracking.models import Visitor from datetime import datetime class UserRestrictMiddleware(object): “”” Prevents more than one user logging in … Read more

Putting a django login form on every page

Ok, I eventually found a way of doing this, although I’m sure there are better ways. I created a new middleware class called LoginFormMiddleware. In the process_request method, handle the form more or less the way the auth login view does: class LoginFormMiddleware(object): def process_request(self, request): # if the top login form has been posted … Read more

Can django’s auth_user.username be varchar(75)? How could that be done?

There’s a way to achieve that without touching the core model, and without inheritance, but it’s definitely hackish and I would use it with extra care. If you look at Django’s doc on signals, you’ll see there’s one called class_prepared, which is basically sent once any actual model class has been created by the metaclass. … Read more

Django: Populate user ID when saving a model

UPDATE 2020-01-02 ⚠ The following answer was never updated to the latest Python and Django versions. Since writing this a few years ago packages have been released to solve this problem. Nowadays I highly recommend using django-crum which implements the same technique but has tests and is updated regularly: The least obstrusive way is … Read more

How to use permission_required decorators on django class-based views

There are a few strategies listed in the CBV docs: Decorate the view when you instantiate it in your (docs) urlpatterns = [ path(‘view/’,login_required(ViewSpaceIndex.as_view(..)), … ] The decorator is applied on a per-instance basis, so you can add it or remove it in different routes as needed. Decorate your class so every instance … Read more
