Virtual webcam input as byte stream

Here you go: DirectShow Source filter using Dekstop window as source Writing a Direct Show Source Filter Way to generate video from a bunch of images? Writing a virtual webcam? Virtual Webcam in C++ Virtual Webcam Driver More at MSDN Forums: How to render a byte array from socket/application using DirectShow? Injecting sample from samplegrabber … Read more

How can I reverse engineer a DirectShow graph?

You can watch the graph you created using GraphEdit, a tool from the DirectShow SDK. In GraphEdit, select File->Connect to remote Graph… In order to find your graph in the list, you have to register it in the running object table: void AddToRot( IUnknown *pUnkGraph, DWORD *pdwRegister ) { IMoniker* pMoniker; IRunningObjectTable* pROT; GetRunningObjectTable( 0, … Read more

How to process raw UDP packets so that they can be decoded by a decoder filter in a directshow source filter

Peace of cake! 1. Get the data As I can see, you already know how to do that (start RTSP session, SETUP a RTP/AVP/UDP;unicast; transport, and get user datagrams)… but if you are in doubt, ask. No matter the transport (UDP or TCP) the data format is mainly the same: RTP data: [RTP Header – … Read more