read pixel value in bmp file [closed]

The following code snippet is not complete, and contains lots of hidden assumptions and bugs. I wrote it from scratch for a university course project from mere observation, where it minimally fulfilled all the requirements. I didn’t work on it any more, because there must be libraries that would do the job way better. Here … Read more

Repeated Multiple Definition Errors from including same header in multiple cpps

Since you’re declaring those variables in the header file, and including the header file in each C++ file, each C++ file has its own copy of them. The usual way around this is to not declare any variables within header files. Instead, declare them in a single C++ file, and declare them as extern in … Read more

How to change mode from c++98 mode in Dev-C++ to a mode that supports C++0x (range based for)?

Go to Tools -> Compiler Options -> “Compiler” tab Check the checkbox labeled, “Add the following commands when calling the compiler” And add in the text entry box, “-std=c++11” or if that doesn’t work “-std=C++0x“ Should be something like that anyway, I haven’t had Dev C++ installed for many years, so I had to look … Read more