How AJAX is done in github source browse?

You have to use HTML5’s pushState() method to change browser history. window.history.pushState(data, “Title”, “/new-url”); Doc says: pushState() takes three parameters: a state object, a title (which is currently ignored), and (optionally) a URL. The last argument is the new URL. For security reasons you can only change the path of the URL, not the domain … Read more

Custom URI Schemes for the Facebook Messenger

After unsuccessfully searching for this information, I’ve decided to make a list of my own. Below is what I managed to gather so far, along with a few explanations: These were taken from version (October 21, 2017): fb-messenger://accounts fb-messenger://active_now fb-messenger://addcard fb-messenger://addmembers fb-messenger://android_date_time fb-messenger://android_storage fb-messenger://autocompose fb-messenger://autocompose_payment fb-messenger://bots/get_started/?page_id=%s&cta_id=%s fb-messenger://business fb-messenger://business/ fb-messenger://business_extensions fb-messenger://buy/mc?item_id={#%s} fb-messenger://callsearch fb-messenger://commerce/ fb-messenger://compose fb-messenger://contactmigration … Read more

Android Deep linking: Use the same link for the app and the play store

This workaround might work: At the server side, create a redirect rule to google play. For example, will redirect to At the app, register the server side link as a deep link: <data android:scheme=”https” android:host=”” android:pathPrefix=”/bar” /> Now, if the app is installed, the URL will be caught and the path can be … Read more

What are all the custom URL schemes supported by the Facebook iPhone app?

June 2014 EDIT: Here is the updated list from Facebook v12: fb://album?id=%@ fb://background_location fb://browse?semantic=%@&result_type=%d&source_type=%d&title=%@ fb://codegenerator fb://composer?%@ fb://composer?pagename=%@&pageid=%@ fb://composer?target=%@ fb://composer?view=location fb://contactimporter/?ci_flow=%d fb://discovery fb://entitycards/?ids=%@&source=%@ fb://event?id=%@ fb://event?id=%@&post_id=%@ fb://eventguestlist?event_id=%@ fb://events/list fb://eventslist?owner_fbid=%@ fb://f(.+)(\?|&)v=map(\&.*)? fb://f(.+)incorrect_map_pin(\&.*)? fb://friendsnearby fb://friendsnearby/?source=%@ fb://friendsnearby/?source=divebar fb://friendsnearby/ping?fbid=%@&source=%@ fb://friendsnearby/profile?fbid=%@&source=%@ fb://gift? fb://group?id=%@ fb://group?id=%@&object_id=%@&view=permalink fb://hashtag/ fb://hashtag/%@ fb://location_settings fb://messageComposer? fb://messaging/new fb://messaging/new?id=%@&name=%@&isPage=%d fb://messaging? fb://messaging?id=%@ fb://messaging?id=%@&%@ fb://messaging?tid=%@ fb://messaginglist fb://page?id=%@ fb://page?id=%@&source=%@&source_id=%@ fb://page_about?id=%@ fb://page_friend_likes_and_visits?id=%@ fb://page_reviews?id=%@ fb://photo?%@ fb://photo?id=%@ … Read more
