Deeplink solution for IOS and Android apps works in Facebook
Deeplink solution for IOS and Android apps works in Facebook
Deeplink solution for IOS and Android apps works in Facebook
This is a known wontfix bug in Chrome 40+ (see the Chromium project ticket here for the full story). Essentially, the Chrome team feels that if a user actually types something into the address bar, no redirect should ever happen. As you’ve discovered, this is counter to behavior in all other browsers. Fortunately it’s unlikely … Read more
You have to use HTML5’s pushState() method to change browser history. window.history.pushState(data, “Title”, “/new-url”); Doc says: pushState() takes three parameters: a state object, a title (which is currently ignored), and (optionally) a URL. The last argument is the new URL. For security reasons you can only change the path of the URL, not the domain … Read more
After unsuccessfully searching for this information, I’ve decided to make a list of my own. Below is what I managed to gather so far, along with a few explanations: These were taken from version (October 21, 2017): fb-messenger://accounts fb-messenger://active_now fb-messenger://addcard fb-messenger://addmembers fb-messenger://android_date_time fb-messenger://android_storage fb-messenger://autocompose fb-messenger://autocompose_payment fb-messenger://bots/get_started/?page_id=%s&cta_id=%s fb-messenger://business fb-messenger://business/ fb-messenger://business_extensions fb-messenger://buy/mc?item_id={#%s} fb-messenger://callsearch fb-messenger://commerce/ fb-messenger://compose fb-messenger://contactmigration … Read more
This workaround might work: At the server side, create a redirect rule to google play. For example, will redirect to At the app, register the server side link as a deep link: <data android:scheme=”https” android:host=”” android:pathPrefix=”/bar” /> Now, if the app is installed, the URL will be caught and the path can be … Read more
June 2014 EDIT: Here is the updated list from Facebook v12: fb://album?id=%@ fb://background_location fb://browse?semantic=%@&result_type=%d&source_type=%d&title=%@ fb://codegenerator fb://composer?%@ fb://composer?pagename=%@&pageid=%@ fb://composer?target=%@ fb://composer?view=location fb://contactimporter/?ci_flow=%d fb://discovery fb://entitycards/?ids=%@&source=%@ fb://event?id=%@ fb://event?id=%@&post_id=%@ fb://eventguestlist?event_id=%@ fb://events/list fb://eventslist?owner_fbid=%@ fb://f(.+)(\?|&)v=map(\&.*)? fb://f(.+)incorrect_map_pin(\&.*)? fb://friendsnearby fb://friendsnearby/?source=%@ fb://friendsnearby/?source=divebar fb://friendsnearby/ping?fbid=%@&source=%@ fb://friendsnearby/profile?fbid=%@&source=%@ fb://gift? fb://group?id=%@ fb://group?id=%@&object_id=%@&view=permalink fb://hashtag/ fb://hashtag/%@ fb://location_settings fb://messageComposer? fb://messaging/new fb://messaging/new?id=%@&name=%@&isPage=%d fb://messaging? fb://messaging?id=%@ fb://messaging?id=%@&%@ fb://messaging?tid=%@ fb://messaginglist fb://page?id=%@ fb://page?id=%@&source=%@&source_id=%@ fb://page_about?id=%@ fb://page_friend_likes_and_visits?id=%@ fb://page_reviews?id=%@ fb://photo?%@ fb://photo?id=%@ … Read more
The lee answer is absolutely correct for iOS prior to 8. In iOS 9+ you must whitelist any URL schemes your App wants to query in Info.plist under the LSApplicationQueriesSchemes key (an array of strings):