What is the best approach to change primary keys in an existing Django app?

Agreed, your model is probably wrong. The formal primary key should always be a surrogate key. Never anything else. [Strong words. Been database designer since the 1980’s. Important lessoned learned is this: everything is changeable, even when the users swear on their mothers’ graves that the value cannot be changed is is truly a natural … Read more

Implementation of “Automatic Lightweight Migration” for Core Data (iPhone)

This is what I did to make Automatic Lightweight Migration (Source: http://brainwashinc.wordpress.com/2010/01/18/iphone-coredata-automatic-light-migration/) 1. Set the Persistent Store options for automatic migration in the app delegate. Change your persistentStoreCoordinator creation to this (replace YOURDB): – (NSPersistentStoreCoordinator *)persistentStoreCoordinator { if (persistentStoreCoordinator != nil) { return persistentStoreCoordinator; } NSURL *storeUrl = [NSURL fileURLWithPath: [[self applicationDocumentsDirectory] stringByAppendingPathComponent: @”YOURDB.sqlite”]]; // … Read more

Loading initial data with Django 1.7 and data migrations

Update: See @GwynBleidD’s comment below for the problems this solution can cause, and see @Rockallite’s answer below for an approach that’s more durable to future model changes. Assuming you have a fixture file in <yourapp>/fixtures/initial_data.json Create your empty migration: In Django 1.7: python manage.py makemigrations –empty <yourapp> In Django 1.8+, you can provide a name: … Read more

How to group by week in MySQL?

You can use both YEAR(timestamp) and WEEK(timestamp), and use both of the these expressions in the SELECT and the GROUP BY clause. Not overly elegant, but functional… And of course you can combine these two date parts in a single expression as well, i.e. something like SELECT CONCAT(YEAR(timestamp), “https://stackoverflow.com/”, WEEK(timestamp)), etc… FROM … WHERE .. … Read more
