Overriding CSS properties for a specific html element

That’s a CSS specificity issue. .main_section article has a higher specificity value than .special-bg selector. In terms of value: Inline Style > IDs > Classes, Attributes, and Pseudo-classes > Element Types and Pseudo-elements, So the calculation of Specificity of these two CSS selectors would be: .special-bg Inline Style ID (Pseudo-)Class (Pseudo-)Element 0 0 1 0 … Read more

CSS Specificity and Inheritance

The .container rule doesn’t match the p element. So specificity is irrelevant here. Inheritance and specificity are separate concepts and the only time they interact is when more specific/less specific rules contain declarations with inherit. That is not the case here. As far as the p element is concerned, only the * rule applies, and … Read more

Can type selectors be repeated to increase specificity?

It is possible to increase the specificity of a selector using type selectors, but not conventionally. The reason for this is explained below, but for those who are simply looking for an alternative, there are two of these. You can either chain :not() pseudo-classes containing type selectors in a single compound selector: h1 {} /* … Read more

Can I override inline !important?

Let me begin by saying that generally inline styles can be overridden: .override {color:red !important;} <p style=”color:blue;”>I will be blue</p> <p style=”color:blue;” class=”override”>But I will be red</p> This behavior is described in W3 specs, where it is stated that !important declarations do not alter the specificity, but rather take precedence over “normal” declarations. That being … Read more

Relationship between !important and CSS specificity

Specificity in CSS only concerns selectors, not their associated declarations. !important applies to a declaration, so it alone plays no role in specificity. However, !important influences the cascade, which is the overall calculation of styles for a certain element when more than one of the same property declaration applies to it. Or, as Christopher Altman … Read more

What are the implications of using “!important” in CSS? [duplicate]

Yes, I’d say your example of using !important is bad practice, and it’s very likely it would cause undesired effects further down the line. That doesn’t mean it’s never okay to use though. What’s wrong with !important: Specificity is one of the main forces at work when the browser decides how CSS affects the page. … Read more
