Cut Corners using CSS

Another idea using mask and CSS variables to have better control over the whole shape. It’s reponsive, transparent and allow any kind of background: .box { –all:0px; width:200px; height:150px; display:inline-block; margin:10px; background:red; -webkit-mask: linear-gradient( 45deg, transparent 0 var(–bottom-left,var(–all)) ,#fff 0) bottom left, linear-gradient( -45deg, transparent 0 var(–bottom-right,var(–all)),#fff 0) bottom right, linear-gradient( 135deg, transparent 0 var(–top-left,var(–all)) … Read more

Speech bubble with arrow

In order to achieve this, you should consider altering your markup in order to make your html more efficient. This can be achieved using a pseudo element. I’ll address each point individually, and put it all together at the end of my answer. First of all, Use pseudo elements to avoid extra elements You could … Read more
