How can I run Conda?

You might want to try this: For Anaconda 2: export PATH=~/anaconda2/bin:$PATH For Anaconda 3: export PATH=~/anaconda3/bin:$PATH For Anaconda 4: Use the Anaconda Prompt. And then conda –version to confirm that it worked. The export PATH=~/anaconda3/bin:$PATH works, but it stops when you exit the terminal in order change that you have to run sudo nano ~/.bashrc … Read more

How to install PyPi packages using anaconda conda command

I will disagree with the accepted response and note that pip install [some-pypi-package] is often the best way to install PyPi packages in Conda environments. While the packages won’t be managed by the Conda package manager, they will still be managed by the Anaconda environment. It will download the correct version of the package for … Read more

How to install python with conda?

To create python 3.11 conda environment use the following command conda create -n py311 python=3.11 py311 – environment name Update 3 To create python 3.10 conda environment use the following command conda create -n py310 python=3.10 py310 – environment name Update 2 You can now directly create python 3.9 environment using the following command conda … Read more

How to update an existing Conda environment with a .yml file

Try using conda env update: conda activate myenv conda env update –file local.yml –prune –prune uninstalls dependencies which were removed from local.yml, as pointed out in this answer by @Blink. Attention: if there is a name tag with a name other than that of your environment in local.yml, the command above will create a new … Read more

PATH not updated correctly from conda activate in VSCode’s terminal

This behavior is explained in the VSCode docs: Why are there duplicate paths in the terminal’s $PATH environment variable and/or why are they reversed?# It sounds like VSCode will run your .zshrc twice in MacOS, conflicting with the conda-generated PATH variable definitions. There are two solutions listed in the link above. The one that works … Read more

Could not find conda environment

Names and Prefixes For a Conda environment to have a name it must be installed in one of the envs_dirs directories (see conda config –show envs_dirs). Creating an environment outside of one of those forfeits its “name-ability”. Instead, one must use the path (called its prefix) to activate it, e.g., conda activate /anaconda3/envs/my_env Other commands … Read more