How to obtain UCM stream and baseline with cleartool?

If you are in a view, you can: get the current stream cleartool lsstream -cview get all baselines for a component in that stream cleartool lsbl -comp myComp@\myPVob -stream myStream@\myPVob get all foundation baselines for that stream cleartool descr -fmt “%[found_bls]CXp” stream:myStream@\myPVob Don’t forget that in a view on a stream with a modifiable component, … Read more

What is composite baseline in UCM and when it will be used?

The reference on “composite Baselines” is: “Best practices for using composite baselines in UCM”. Introduced in ClearCase v2002, composite baselines are a mechanism for grouping baselines into a collection. One baseline is designated as the composite, and other baselines become members of the composite You do not necessarily have to use composite baselines when you … Read more

What is the difference between Full baseline and Incremental baseline in Clearcase UCM?

It will contain all changes. Except an incremental baselines will compute those changes by adding: unique modifications introduced by the few changes (that is what an “incremental baseline” is: a label set only on the new versions since the previous baseline) all the other changes already references by the previous baselines up to a full … Read more