Ruby Block Syntax Error [duplicate]
Try this: version(:full) { process(:resize_to_limit => [960, 960]) } version(:half) { process(:resize_to_limit => [470, 470]) } version(:third) { process(:resize_to_limit => [306, 306]) } version(:fourth) { process(:resize_to_limit => [176, 176]) } You have a precedence problem. The { } block binds tighter than a do…end block and tighter than a method call; the result is that … Read more
Rails 4 multiple image or file upload using carrierwave
This is solution to upload multiple images using carrierwave in rails 4 from scratch Or you can find working demo : Multiple Attachment Rails 4 To do just follow these steps. rails new multiple_image_upload_carrierwave In gem file gem ‘carrierwave’ bundle install rails generate uploader Avatar Create post scaffold rails generate scaffold post title:string Create post_attachment … Read more