Preventing Brute Force Logins on Websites

I think database-persisted short lockout period for the given account (1-5 minutes) is the only way to handle this. Each userid in your database contains a timeOfLastFailedLogin and numberOfFailedAttempts. When numbeOfFailedAttempts > X you lockout for some minutes. This means you’re locking the userid in question for some time, but not permanently. It also means … Read more

Forgot Keystore password, thinking of Brute-Force detection. will it corrupt the keystore?

Sharing my experience after trying everything available. 1- Smart word list attack from android-keystore-password-recover is what eventually worked for me after spending a day trying different lists. Unfortunately, it does not support multithreading and I couldn’t get it to run faster than 30,000 trials/second. I might contribute multithreading support to project soon. 2- KeystoreBrute was … Read more