Git failed with a > fatal error. could not read Username for

It’s mainly caused by the credentials have been remembered by Credential Manager. You should remove the credentials for which have been stored in Credential Manager. Such as if the pc’s OS is windows, you can open Credential Manager -> Windows Credentials -> under Generic Credentials -> remove the credentials like git: Then clone again, … Read more

Updating variables in web.config outside appSettings

Add a parameters.xml to your project, as described here: specify parameter there, for example, “myEndpointAddress”. Then in IIS Web Deploy Task use additional arguments to pass the value -setParam:name=”myEndPointAddress”,value=”new_value”

Error TF30063: You are not authorized to access … \DefaultCollection

When I came accross this issue none of the provided answers solved this problem or if it did I didn’t like recreating the project. The way I ended up solving the issue: Clicking on the “Connect to Team Projects button” (The plug next to the home button in the Team Explorer tab) Right click the … Read more

Publish Multiple Projects to Different Locations on Azure Website

Go to the Configure tab for the site in Azure portal. Scroll all the way to the bottom then add a new application where ever you want like Project2 below. Basically the ‘Project2’ part is the URL after the root “” and the ‘site\wwwroot\Project2’ is where the actual folder should live under the site root … Read more

How to QUEUE a new build using VSTS REST API

To queue a build with REST API, you can use below powershell script: $body = ‘ { “definition”: { “id”: number } } ‘ $bodyJson=$body | ConvertFrom-Json Write-Output $bodyJson $bodyString=$bodyJson | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 Write-Output $bodyString $user=”name” $token=”PAT” $base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes((“{0}:{1}” -f $user,$token))) $Uri = “” $buildresponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -UseDefaultCredentials -ContentType application/json -Uri … Read more