use axios globally in all my components vue

In main.js you can just assign Axios to $http. main.js import Axios from ‘axios’ Vue.prototype.$http = Axios; By modifying the vue prototype, any vue instance will have the ability to call $http on this. (e.g. this.$http.get(‘’) Note: $http is the axios object now, so any method you can call on axios object, you can call … Read more

How to prevent Axios from encoding my request parameters?

You can use a custom param serializer as follows: axios.get(‘’, { paramsSerializer: function(params) { var result=””; // Build the query string return result; } }); paramsSerializer can be set at the instance level: var instance = axios.create({ paramsSerializer: function(params) { /* … */ } }) or at the global level: axios.defaults.paramsSerializer = function(params) { /* … Read more

Axios. How to get error response even when api return 404 error, in try catch finally

According to the documentation, the full response is available as a response property on the error. So I’d use that information in the catch block: (async() => { let apiRes = null; try { apiRes = await axios.get(‘’); } catch (err) { console.error(“Error response:”); console.error(; // *** console.error(err.response.status); // *** console.error(err.response.headers); // *** } finally … Read more

Does Axios support Set-Cookie? Is it possible to authenticate through Axios HTTP request?

Try this out! axios.get(‘your_url’, {withCredentials: true}); //for GET‘your_url’, data, {withCredentials: true}); //for POST axios.put(‘your_url’, data, {withCredentials: true}); //for PUT axios.delete(‘your_url’, data, {withCredentials: true}); //for DELETE For more information on this from the axios docs: “withCredentials indicates whether or not cross-site Access-Control requests should be made using credentials” – More detail on withCredentials:

React: Axios Network Error

If Creating an API Using NodeJS Your Express app needs to use CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing). Add the following to your server file: // This should already be declared in your API file var app = express(); // ADD THIS var cors = require(‘cors’); app.use(cors()); For fuller understanding of CORS, please read the Mozilla Documentation … Read more

node.js axios download file stream and writeFile

Actually, I believe the previously accepted answer has some flaws, as it will not handle the writestream properly, so if you call “then()” after Axios has given you the response, you will end up having a partially downloaded file. This is a more appropriate solution when downloading slightly larger files: export async function downloadFile(fileUrl: string, … Read more

Returning data from Axios API [duplicate]

The issue is that the original axiosTest() function isn’t returning the promise. Here’s an extended explanation for clarity: function axiosTest() { // create a promise for the axios request const promise = axios.get(url) // using .then, create a new promise which extracts the data const dataPromise = promise.then((response) => // return it return dataPromise … Read more

FastAPI is not returning cookies to React frontend

First, make sure there is no error returned when performing the Axios POST request, and that you get a “status”: “success” response with 200 status code. Second, as you mentioned that you are using React in the frontend—which needs to be listening on a different port from the one used for the FastAPI backend, meaning … Read more