How can I specify location of debug keystore for Android ant debug builds?

You should be able to specify the keystore to use with these properties key.alias=alias key.alias.password=pass Just pass the properties in to Ant. [EDIT] From the docs at The Android build tools provide a debug signing mode that makes it easier for you to develop and debug your application, while still meeting the … Read more

Using ant to detect os and set property

Move your condition out of the <target />, as your target probably isn’t invoked. <condition property=”isWindows”> <os family=”windows” /> </condition> <condition property=”isLinux”> <os family=”unix” /> </condition>

Should JAVA_HOME point to JDK or JRE?

If you’re doing any sort of development, or building with Maven or Ant, you need to point to the JDK (Java Development Kit) where utilities such as javac (the Java Compiler) reside. Otherwise, you can point to the JRE (Java Runtime Environment). The JDK contains everything the JRE has and more. If you’re just executing … Read more

Ant – how to get all files’ name in a specific folder

You’re on the right track, use manifestclasspath task. The jarfile attribute is used to create relative links to the jars contained in the fileset. <manifestclasspath property=”jar.classpath” jarfile=”${client_work_dir}/HelloWorld.jar”> <classpath> <fileset name=”” dir=”${client_work_dir}/lib” includes=”*.jar”/> </classpath> </manifestclasspath> <jar jarfile=”${client_deploy_dir}/HelloWorld.jar” basedir=”${client_work_dir}/compiled”> <manifest> <attribute name=”Main-Class” value=”HelloWorld.Main”/> <attribute name=”Class-Path” value=””${jar.classpath}”/> </manifest> </jar>

integrating JaCoCo in sonar using Ant

The following is an ANT build that is configured to run a junit unit test and use jacoco for code coverage reporting. The results are uploaded to Sonar and finally ivy is used to download 3rd party jars and manage classpaths. Example ├── ├── build.xml ├── ivy.xml └── src ├── main │   └── java … Read more