How to bundle an Angular app for production

2 to 13 (TypeScript) with Angular CLI OneTime Setup npm install -g @angular/cli ng new projectFolder creates a new application Bundling Step ng build (run in command line when directory is projectFolder). flag prod bundle for production is now the default (see the Angular documentation to customize it if needed). Compress using Brotli compression the … Read more

ng is not recognized as an internal or external command

I solved this problem in accordance with the figure: run in cmd npm install -g @angular/cli and then ( open in Windows 10) Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\System or accordance with the figure step 1: step 2 : step3: step4: step5: add missing ng path Here is new environment variable that you need add: C:\Users\PK\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\@angular\cli\bin … Read more

angular-cli server – how to proxy API requests to another server?

UPDATE 2022 The officially recommended approach is now the one documented here UPDATE 2017 Better documentation is now available and you can use both JSON and JavaScript based configurations: angular-cli documentation proxy sample https proxy configuration { “/angular”: { “target”: { “host”: “”, “protocol”: “https:”, “port”: 443 }, “secure”: false, “changeOrigin”: true, “logLevel”: “info” } … Read more