What is the difference between system apps and privileged apps on Android?

So after some digging, it’s clear that apps in priv-app are eligible for system permissions, the same way that old apps used to be eligible to claim system permissions by being in system-app. The only official Google documentation I could find on this came in the form of a commit message: Commit hash: ccbf84f44c9e6a5ed3c08673614826bb237afc54 Some … Read more

How do I add APKs in an AOSP build?

Adding third party APKs to the build is definitely possible. Also APKs and APPs with source code go to the same place; the package/app folder. Adding a new APK to the build In the AOSP root add the folder: <aosp root>/package/app/< yourappfolder > Then inside this folder add: empty Android.mk < yourapp.apk > The android … Read more

Source of Android’s lock screen [closed]

Do an actual full checkout of the source according to Google’s directions. As of Android 4.2, the keyguard source is at frameworks/base/policy/src/com/android/internal/policy/impl/keyguard. There’s a mirror on GitHub you can look at online (I pegged this link to the JB MR 1.1 release in case the location changes again in a future release). When this question … Read more

How to compile the Android AOSP kernel and test it with the Android Emulator?

Since August 2009 the kernel is no longer part of the standard repo manifest that you get when you follow the instructions to download the source code for the android open source project. The steps that are needed to successfully download, build and run a specific kernel on the emulator are as follows: Get the … Read more

How do I build the Android SDK with hidden and internal APIs available?

This is what I always do to use hidden api. Build the repo or download jars from https://sites.google.com/site/hippunosource/home/android/androidnohide-apiwo-shi-yongsuru-rifurekushonha-wei-shi-yong copy out out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/framework_intermediates/classes.jar (better to rename it as something like framework_all.jar) config your project build path–>libraries –> add this external jars. In Order and Export, move it up and before android.jar

Where is android.os.SystemProperties?

If you use the “reflection” option, you may use the class below package com.etc.etc; import java.io.File; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import android.content.Context; import dalvik.system.DexFile; public class SystemPropertiesProxy { /** * This class cannot be instantiated */ private SystemPropertiesProxy(){ } /** * Get the value for the given key. * @return an empty string if the key isn’t … Read more